Becoming A Social Entrepreneur

 My path to discovering my calling — and the Hope Movement. 

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FACT: 70% of Americans are seeking to discover their purpose and to become self-employed. 


Sadly few are discovering the path to either. For me, my hunger for both led to becoming a social entrepreneur. By helping customers strengthen their immune systems, investing in children's nutritional support through our Hope Movement, to helping multitudes discover their purpose, and helping those with entrepreneurial desires live their dreams as social entrepreneurs.



The Engineer

My early days began in engineering, curious to the extreme; thinking about how things work, why things are done a certain way and if there is a better way to do it.

The Missionary

My curiosity soon led to the discovery of serving others, working with the poor, and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Businessman

And then I discovered how to leverage the resources of business into the transformation of communities, cities, and nations.

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A Social Entrepreneur

Today, in my most vibrant life season, I'm still experiencing the joy of helping others, as well as creating prosperity for me and my family.

Discover Your Purpose

We've partnered with social entrepreneurs, CanaGlobal, to help our community discover their purpose. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing why you're on the planet. And then, actually doing what you were created to do. Something that matters. Identifying and fulfilling God's plan and purpose for your life is the secret to living an abundant life.

Do You Have A Dream Of Becoming Your Own Boss? 

A social entrepreneur is interested in starting a business for the greater social good and not just the pursuit of profits. We are purpose-driven. Giving back and helping others reach their dreams and goals is what drives our mission. So if you'd like to explore what it would take to start your own purpose-driven business, I'm happy to carve some time out of my schedule and share the path and method to living your dreams. I'm happy to share how I did it. You can do it too!

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We'll get back to you to schedule a date and time for a call.

Schedule A Call With Bob.